In Search of a Better Country

Author: Burrows

  • The Good News of God For An Oblivious Bride

    …When we lose our ability to see the Trinity as directly connected to the gospel, we tend to reduce it to an issue of authority and mental obedience. No wonder, then, that the doctrine of the Trinity has been treated as something of a burden by many evangelicals. But this dysfunction of the doctrine is…

  • A Reiki Master, A Muslim, and the World Belongs to the Lord

    Three beautiful stories, all from Christianity Today: A New Age Healer Discovers a Greater Healer But I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the Reiki world. Every day I felt a greater burden of conviction to tell people that whatever healing they experienced during Reiki sessions was a gift from God, not me. He was the…

  • Not Just a God of Something

    Not Just a God of Something

    Our modern world is filled with people and emptied of gods. In the ancient world, the reverse was true. Nearly every culture had a pantheon of deities, and every god was a god of something. These gods were vain and petty and murderous, but each had a role to play in the operation of the…

  • The Unpretentious Life

    Jesus exemplified the unpretentious life the heavenly Father honors in his servants. Despite the fact he was the only person in history with justifiable reason to exalt himself, being God’s Son, he chose to live and die in humility. The Father continually affirmed his Son, as at Jesus’ baptism, when God proclaimed: “This is My…

  • Why Homeschooling?

    Why Homeschooling?

    At the beginning of 2020, we decided to shift from the local public school to educating our kids at home. We had some strong principles for getting into public school in the first place, and then, they shifted. What were the values for starting with public school, and what are the values that are shaping…

  • “No Experience is Wasted”

    God is sovereign over every life, but those who yield their will to him will be shaped according to his purposes. When the Lord is developing someone, all of life is a school. No experience, good or bad, is wasted (Rom. 8:28). God doesn’t squander people’s time. He doesn’t ignore their pain. He brings not…