Category: Encouragement

  • What Science Can’t Do

    A couple great testimonies by men at the top of their respective scientific fields who also happen to believe in things like bodily resurrection.

    Ian Hutchinson, professor of nuclear science and engineering at MIT:

    “We really believe in the bodily resurrection of the first century Jew known as Jesus of Nazareth. My Christian colleagues at MIT – and millions of other scientists worldwide – somehow think that a literal miracle like the resurrection of Jesus is possible.”

    Chris D’Souza, aerospace engineer at NASA:

    “As a Christian, I know I’m a fallen human being but that there is grace in the midst of my sin. If I say something in a meeting I shouldn’t have said, I go to the person and ask for forgiveness, knowing that mercy is ultimately offered at the cross.”

    To some, it may seem like a complete contradiction in terms to be both a Christian and a scientist, but these men seem to have no problem with it. Hutchinson points out one reason:

    “Today’s widespread materialist view that events contrary to the laws of science just can’t happen is a metaphysical doctrine, not a scientific fact. What’s more, the doctrine that the laws of nature are “inviolable” is not necessary for science to function. Science offers natural explanations of natural events. It has no power or need to assert that only natural events happen.”

    Can Christianity be reasonable? Can it be rational? If there’s a chance that a man really did defeat death, then it just might be worth checking out.

  • Jesus the True Pontifex

    Would you have your Savior to be one who is near to God, so that his meditation might be prevalent with him? And can you desire him to be nearer to God than Christ is, who is his only begotten Son, of the same essence with the Father? And would you not only have him near to God, but also near to you, that you may have free access to him?

    — Jonathan Edwards, The Admirable Conjuction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus

    (On a side note, did you know that Pontifex was latin for “bridge builder”?)

  • The Shepherd is the Lamb

    Though Christ be now at the right-hand of God, exalted as King of heaven, and Lord of the universe; yet as he still is in the human nature, he still excels in humility. Though the man Christ Jesus be the highest of all creatures in heaven, yet he as much excels them all in humility as he doth in glory and dignity, for none sees so much of the distance between God and him as he does. And though he now appears in such glorious majesty and dominion in heaven, yet he appears as a lamb in his condescending, mild, and sweet treatment of his saints there, for he is a Lamb still, even amidst the throne of his exaltation, and he that is the Shepherd of the whole flock is himself a Lamb, and goes before them in heaven as such.

    Rev. 7:17 . ” For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

    Though in heaven every knee bows to him, and though the angels fall down before him adoring him, yet he treats his saints with infinite condescension, mildness, and endearment. And in his acts towards the saints on earth, he still appears as a lamb, manifesting exceeding love and tenderness in his intercession for them, as one that has had experience of affliction and temptation.

    — Jonathan Edwards, The Admirable Conjuction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus

  • Of Course He’s Not Safe

    Here is a strong foundation, and an inexhaustible treasure, to answer the necessities of your poor soul, and here is infinite grace and gentleness to invite and embolden a poor, unworthy, fearful soul to come to it. If Christ accepts of you, you need not fear but that you will be safe, for he is a strong Lion for your defense. And if you come, you need not fear but that you shall be accepted; for he is like a Lamb to all that come to him, and receives then with infinite grace and tenderness. It is true he has awful majesty, he is the great God, and infinitely high above you; but there is this to encourage and embolden the poor sinner, that Christ is man as well as God; he is a creature, as well as the Creator, and he is the most humble and lowly in heart of any creature in heaven or earth. This may well make the poor unworthy creature bold in coming to him.

    — Jonathan Edwards, The Admirable Conjuction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus

  • You’re Only in a Rut if it Sucks

    A few days of your life are remarkable, containing events and experiences where you see God’s providence with startling clarity and when your faith and life course are indelibly and memorably shaped. But the vast majority of your days — likely a day like today — will pass into obscurity unrecorded and irretrievable to your memory. But though today may be unremarkable, it is not unimportant. It is unique, priceless, and irreplaceable.

    — Jon Bloom (via)

  • That’s Not How Any of this Works.

    D.A. Carson

    People do not drift toward Holiness.

    Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord.

    We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation; we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.

    — D.A Carson, For the Love of God