In Search of a Better Country

Author: Burrows

  • What Matters Supremely

    What matters supremely, therefore, is not, in the last analysis, the fact that I know God, but the larger fact which underlies it—the fact that he knows me. I am graven on the palms of his hands. I am never out of his mind. All my knowledge of him depends on his sustained initiative in…

  • C.S. Lewis’s Biggest Mistake

    C.S. Lewis’s Biggest Mistake

    …was apparently being indifferent about the order in which the Chronicles of Narnia should be read. I was shocked to discover, on the first page of Walter Hooper’s preface in Lewis’s collection of essays On Other Worlds (1975), that he mentioned how Lewis recommended the Chronicles be read in chronological order, starting with The Magician’s…

  • France is Hexagonal

    France is Hexagonal

    One of the objections against the accuracy, or the historicity, but really, the truthfulness of Scripture is that it contains certains points of information which are scientifically inaccurate, and therefore proof that the Bible is riddled with errors. But one of the first rules of hermeneutics (or the interpretation of a text) is to understand…

  • Have We Been Transformed?

    The ultimate test of whether we have grasped theological truth is thus not so much whether we have comprehended it rationally, but whether it has transformed us experientially. In an important sense, we are not called on to master theology, but to allow it to master us. Alister McGrath, J.I. Packer: His Life and Thought,…

  • On Patrol

    On Patrol

  • Annotations — June 4, 2021

    A Victory Already Won One practical application that comes from understanding the gospel as, fundamentally, the proclamation of good news. God’s Hand of Blessing The story of a young woman in West Timor (in Indonesia) who takes up the task of Bible translation. An encouraging example of how God uses small people to accomplish big…