Author: Burrows

  • “The wages of smug is Trump.”

    The smug style, at bottom, is a failure of empathy. Further: It is a failure to believe that empathy has any value at all. It is the notion that anybody worthy of liberal time and attention and respect must capitulate, immediately, to the Good Facts.

    If they don’t (and they won’t, no matter how much of your Facts you make them consume), you’re free to write them off and mock them. When they suffer, it’s their just desserts.

    Make no mistake: I am not suggesting that liberals adopt a fuzzy, gentler version of their politics. I am not suggesting they compromise their issues for the sake of playing nice. What I am suggesting is that they consider how the issues they actually fight for have drifted away from their egalitarian intentions.

    I am suggesting that they notice how hating and ridiculing the people they say they want to help has led them to stop helping those people, too.

    I am suggesting that in the case of a Kim Davis, liberalism resist the impulse to go beyond the necessary legal fight and explicitly delight in punishing an old foe.

    I am suggesting that they instead wonder what it might be like to have little left but one’s values; to wake up one day to find your whole moral order destroyed; to look around and see the representatives of a new order call you a stupid, hypocritical hick without bothering, even, to wonder how your corner of your poor state found itself so alienated from them in the first place. To work with people who do not share their values or their tastes, who do not live where they live or like what they like or know their Good Facts or their jokes.

    — Emmett Rensin,

    This is what needs to change for there ever to be hope of slowing the perpetually widening chasm that exists between the two parties. The needless caricatures, regardless of how “plain the facts are”, drive people into the angry arms of revolution.

    Yes, keep the parody. Keep the satire. But when your only “trusted” news sources are The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, and Saturday Night Live, you’ve left no room for understanding real people’s anger, only the media’s mockery of an easy target.

    It is maddening to be asked to choose a side that only seems to have the ability to show compassion to a select group of individuals.

  • Helping the move.

    The beginning of The Month of Moving
    The beginning of “The Month of Moving”
  • Probably by breakfast

    If you could lose your salvation, you would.

    — John MacArthur (via)
  • Jesus the True Pontifex

    Would you have your Savior to be one who is near to God, so that his meditation might be prevalent with him? And can you desire him to be nearer to God than Christ is, who is his only begotten Son, of the same essence with the Father? And would you not only have him near to God, but also near to you, that you may have free access to him?

    — Jonathan Edwards, The Admirable Conjuction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus

    (On a side note, did you know that Pontifex was latin for “bridge builder”?)

  • The Shepherd is the Lamb

    Though Christ be now at the right-hand of God, exalted as King of heaven, and Lord of the universe; yet as he still is in the human nature, he still excels in humility. Though the man Christ Jesus be the highest of all creatures in heaven, yet he as much excels them all in humility as he doth in glory and dignity, for none sees so much of the distance between God and him as he does. And though he now appears in such glorious majesty and dominion in heaven, yet he appears as a lamb in his condescending, mild, and sweet treatment of his saints there, for he is a Lamb still, even amidst the throne of his exaltation, and he that is the Shepherd of the whole flock is himself a Lamb, and goes before them in heaven as such.

    Rev. 7:17 . ” For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

    Though in heaven every knee bows to him, and though the angels fall down before him adoring him, yet he treats his saints with infinite condescension, mildness, and endearment. And in his acts towards the saints on earth, he still appears as a lamb, manifesting exceeding love and tenderness in his intercession for them, as one that has had experience of affliction and temptation.

    — Jonathan Edwards, The Admirable Conjuction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus