Annotations — June 4, 2021

A Victory Already Won

One practical application that comes from understanding the gospel as, fundamentally, the proclamation of good news.

God’s Hand of Blessing

The story of a young woman in West Timor (in Indonesia) who takes up the task of Bible translation. An encouraging example of how God uses small people to accomplish big things.

Pornography and Resisting the Power of Temptation

John Piper gives a very helpful word picture that helps to clarify the language we use in the fight against sexual temptation.

Some Lengthy Thoughts on Women Leadership

A long post by Alastair Roberts about women leaders in the Bible. The most fascinating part of the discussion is about the nature of the priests and the priesthood.

Lean Toward the Radical

Part of our own family’s mission is “Risk for his cause”, and so this post resonated strongly with me. How a husband balances the tensions of family and mission in his own heart.